Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Dracula #1

Bram Stoker was born near Dublin on November 8, 1847 and always dreamed of becoming a writer. However he was forced into a civil service career, he later would work as a theatrical critic for Dublin's Evening Mail, editor of The Irish Echo. In 1878, actor-manager at London's Lyceum Theatre. . He wrote Duties of Clerks of Petty Sessions in Ireland published in 1879. He also wrote "The Crystal Cup" (1872), was published by The London Society, "The Chain of Destiny" a serialized four-part horror piece, "The Chain of Destiny," The Shamrock, Under the Sunset, The Snake's Pass and Dracula. Dracula was an example of new literature for a new world it its said that the novel is filled with themes and ideas all relating to sex based on the biting, sucking, etc. Furthermore Dracula was one of the first lasting cjharachters one that evolved and became famous to everyone.



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