Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The blogger

The blog project this year was sort of interesting but not really my kind of thing. First of all there was too much information about me, something i have always avoided leaking to those i do not know. How ever it wasn't too bad. At least it was an attempt to bring schooling out of the stone age and use technology that has been available for a decade, almost two. The idea of creating an electronic portfolio like this does have its benefits. It is more secure as far as information being lost, which i have experienced before.

I myself didn't mind most of the projects. They were all relatively easy for me, albeit time consuming especially the Gods and Goddesses one. The movie project i disliked but that was probably because i got stuck with a miserably depressing time period, so much so that nearly all the info for those years were for the Great Depression. The African studies topics were quite a bit bland. As well as trying to locate information and media from time periods and world locations in which any such media would be antique relics.

Insanity of the Catcher

Robert Louis Stevenson stated “The difficulty of literature is not to write, but to write what you mean; not to affect your reader, but to affect him precisely as you wish.” The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger Shows this concept to an outrageous point in that itself the main character is continuously contradicting himself. Furthermore in the darkest depths of my soul I wish to believe that people are truly good and in order to believe such a thing I would have to assume the Salinger was not a deranged psychopath trying to usher in a time of Anarchy and destruction. So if that would be the Case then I must assume that his rambling on and on was just coincidently inspiration and cause for the generation of a great deal of deranged fans. Fans such as Mark Chapman the assassin who killed John Lennon and John Hinckley Ronald Reagan’s would be assassin. However if for some reason I am wrong and the Recluse J.D. Salinger was actually meant for his book The Catcher in the Rye, previously banned in America to have such an impact on people as it did then he could possibly have been one of the great authors.

The novel seems to tell of us a human whose spirit is weak and of a person who is confused; a person who just merely survives but is nothing more. The novel tells of a looser who is thrown out of school because the only thing he is capable of passing in is English. The protagonist Holden Caulfield is a student who is just completely lost; He is struggling with everything, school, friends, love, sex and life. He is always calling people phonies “insincere, pretentious, or deceitful people” and he might be correct but the problem is the world doesn’t except people straight out for who they are because its hard to be sincere to one’s self and stay alive. I myself if I were sincere I would be eating Ramen noodles, sleeping and playing video games all day long; which of course is unrealistic like all those who think that they don’t have to work in school they can just get by and play sports for a living. Well simply put Holden’s spirit may be strong enough to say I will not be constrained by society but in all truth he is weak because the true test is to say I am going to make the best out of what I was given. Life has given you lemons make lemonade, if you decide Life as given you lemons and you prefer scotch you will just breakdown and end up in a rest home for therapy narrating a dreary story of how you tried turning lemons into scotch and you got urine instead.

The Catcher in the Rye is narrated in the first person based around a character named Holden Caulfield. Holden is relatively simple but as narrator tries to make himself seem better than he actually is. Holden is a young boy who is mentally unstable, he is constantly fighting everything and is incapable of realizing how hypocritical he is. Calling people phonies, calling movie stars phonies, saying he hates the movies, but goes all the time. He describes others as he sees them due to how he interacted with them. Almost all the characters in the book are narrated with an after view, a view looking back on the situation. Though he may say he is a friend with Stradlater he makes Stradlater out to be a pompous “experiences” Jerk / Jock. Then we learn that Stradlater goes on a date with Jane Gallagher a girl that Holden likes or rather believes he loves, but argues with himself that he doesn’t. Holden’s multi-dimensional personality characterization may be so complex and complete that he actually could be considered having a split personality.

The book is just that a book, a novel laced entirely with metaphors, similes and Symbolism. Some were probably intended to be in there and others were just accidental or there because someone saw them. It is virtually plausible to take any sentence or at the very least paragraph and interpret it to mean something entirely different from what the author wished it to say, which is “the difficulty of literature.” Some symbolism can be found in the encounter we hear of between Carl Luce and Holden Caulfield. Carl Luce was a student in a school that Holden use to go to. Carl Luce was described by Holden as a boy who was three years older than himself and experienced sexually. Carl use to talk to the boys about his experiences and was a database of sexual knowledge. Their encounter summarized is Holden bugging the hell out of Carl to tell him about his recent sexual encounters, and Carl’s girlfriend’s sexual appeal. This is probably a great Symbol for the book because it emphasizes the immaturity in Holden. Not only is he immature when it comes to conversation and what is or isn’t appropriate, but he is also immature sexually at least at the level of knowledge and experience. The third level of immaturity is the general immaturity of mind associated with the actions seen at the bar, which is a leading component if not the premise of the novel. So essentially it just draws you right back in to the main idea incase you have gone off topic.

The dialogue in catcher in the rye doesn’t tell you much about the characters other than Holden. Mainly because there isn’t much for dialogue its more or less Holden rambling on and on telling you what others may or may not have said and or thought.

However because Holden talks for everyone not just himself he manages to allow the reader to know a lot more about him than just what is told straight out. Its from his “dialogues” and monologues that we find out what he thinks; well essentially he narrates as he thinks, which enables you to see him contradicting himself both in what he narrates and what he does. The dialogue is used to show us his immaturity, his believed maturity, his stupidity and all the conflicts he has. The dialogue not description is the main source for determining his inability to cope with reality and deal with it in a proper fashion.

The Catcher in the Rye has a huge amount of conflicts. Usually conflicts are resolved nicely but unfortunately, in The Catcher in the Rye most are resolved in a negative way or aren’t resolved. The Catcher in the Rye’s main conflict is person versus self. This is seen all the time whenever Holden mentions phonies and the does something that he just stated was what made someone a phony. Holden has a conflict where he is incapable of being what he wants to be; this is most likely because he uses a definition for phony so loose that he can apply it to anyone. What he has failed to realize is that many people aren’t as phony as they seem. They live a live in which they are sincere to themselves, even if they seem dishonest to others. Holden does not, Holden lives a life where he criticizes others for being phony but fails to realize, comprehend or at least cope with the realization that he is hypocritical and a phony. The interesting part about this is unlike most works of literature where the conflict is resolved the closest this conflict comes to being resolved is his institutionalization in a home where he may receive therapy. The novel also deals heavily in smaller person versus person in which the outcome becomes one of two things. The first being in the case of Stradlater and Maurice, Holden cant shut up and gets beaten up, followed by the disappearance of the other character, usually do to blatantly avoiding them. The second person versus person occurs with Mr. Antolini, Mr. Spencer, Ackley, and his parents. This one ends simply with him avoiding them as soon as a conflict begins to brew. Mr. Antolini patting Holden as he sleeps ends with Holden out on the street in the middle of the night. Mr. Spencer trying to tell Holden what the right thing to do would be and to work hard ends with Holden walking out in a hidden rage. Ackley just is the opposite of what Holden believes he stands for and when he argues with Holden over sleeping in Ackley’s room Holden decides to leave for the city. Finally we never really meet Holden’s parents because he is constantly avoiding them. All these conflicts with negative resolutions cause The Catcher in the Rye to be the dreary work it is and is probably the cause for it’s following of deranged anarchists.

The Theme for The Catcher in the Rye would have to be the inner struggle with oneself and the belief structure they have created conflicting with reality. The problem is the theme’s message may not be clear to some and may be entirely different all together. The theme of conflict could have been many people deal with the same inner conflicts, and just to persevere. The theme could also have been that failure to stay strong to one‘s self and know how to do so in life will end you in a home for therapy. The problem with deciding the meaning of the theme is that most works are kind enough to blatantly spell it out but The Catcher in the Rye starts where the ending would be and makes the progress of events in the theme difficult cause the series of messages may be out of order with the final piece of the message first.

The book The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger is supposed to be a great book because it’s supposed “still resonates with the teen experience. Its relevancy is tres solid today.” Now this may hold true for many people. I myself don’t believe that “Its relevancy is tres solid” to the point it can stand against time. One day it will probably fall prey to the internet, which it probably has already begun to deteriorate to. Television and the Internet have begun to wear away the mystery and confusion that leads to wild adventures. One may view all sorts of much wilder things online than could be imagined. So life is taught to extremities now and in the future but this generation still holds on to some of the necessary components of ignorant and naive individuals in order for The Catcher in the Rye to appeal to young people and for young people to sympathize and empathize with Holden’s experiences.

However for the time it was published it reflected life closely, and for half a century after it still held value in the reflection of a young teen’s struggle trying to understand the world. It may grow to be a timeless classic one day like Moby Dick, but like Moby Dick Sympathizing wears away and literature often becomes no more than a form of entertainment. With the exception of the simple classics of horror stories and romance which maybe rewritten for new generations, but the time based exploration of life changes because life changes and position of people in the world changes.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

The 1930's project

Monday, March 19, 2007


I have learned many lessons from many people. The most valuable lessons I have received from my father. He teaches many examples through a combination of ways including action opposing reaction and statement. The lesson I will speak on is the lesson on life. The lesson is how I have been told to live my life, “Do what you like to do.”

First of all from alternative locations I have obtained lessons which are prerequisite to this one. First of all I learned that money eases wants and needs. Then I learned that time is short and that death cannot be undone. Third I learned that thievery is illegal and inappropriate. Fourth I learned that science and math are valuable everywhere as opposed to literature and history.

Now I was ready for this very important lesson and to make it my own. Since I was very young I was told that I could be whatever I wanted to be and that I should be what I want from both my parents. My father was a sheet metal worker, and though he was very talented and skilled he always seemed relatively unhappy with work though very pleasant at home. This was not so much because he hated his work rather he disliked what he was doing in the field. He was skilled and instead of being put to good use he was working in industries where his talents couldn’t reach their full potential.

He worked hard all the time and was well able to do the work of several people and often had to due to the incompetence of others. He was a jack of all trades in addition to his specialty and would often have to make up for the mistakes of others. Whether the mistakes are on the ground in the production of an item or in the engineering sector with faulty numbers and incorrect measurements he would fix or at the minimum point out the errors. He was just not being appreciated for his work though and he seemed to loath it. He wouldn’t admit it but it was easy to tell, he wanted to work on more unique things more exciting things like antique vehicle restoration or specialty items.

He displayed vividly to me; a lucid person of continuous observation that when he said “Do what you like to do” he meant it. However if someone were to say his actions spoke louder than words they would be false. His words were always strong and his actions just supplemented the words. The lesson he showed “Do what you like to do” he stressed a lot as well as hefty support for what I wanted to do which increased my belief in the lesson even more. However as luck would occur he also provided me with the opportunity to find my “love” of a field of work.

When I was very young my father got us a computer that I used for a long time and when I was about 5 my father bought a top of the line computer. The computer is what I grew to love and luckily with my other lessons down and I found it to be the greatest possible field; that which deals with computers. I grew to be smart, talented and quick I could solve problems faster than most and outgrew “Tech Support” at a rapid pace when I started solving problems faster than them and if I couldn’t they couldn’t either. I found it was an area where money can be made and I found that money despite other lessons people have tried to teach “money doesn’t bring happiness” to be false. So I have altered my life plan to increase my maximum output and bring what I truly want as close as possible. I wish to retire and in order to do so I need money which I will need a lot of with inflation and living costs so I plan to am most of life’s toil and misery into a short period of time and afterwards live happily “Do what you like to do.”

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Resurrection of the Dracul

As Dracula was impaled, he burst and fell to earth as dust his soul plummeted straight down to Hell. As the gates were opening he was redirected to the location of Lucifer and was tolled that his compliance to the demands of Lucifer must be met to prevent torture of an unimaginable degree. In the throne room of the great satanic palace he met with the one who led him to a continuous life of horror and dissension from god. Lucifer was there not to begin the eternal torture that had been expected but rather to fulfill his end of the deal. The DEAL was what made Dracula a hated demon, the vampire.

The terms of the deal were originally found by Lucifer to be unfavorable to him. The contract mistakenly stated that “if Dracula were to die he would rise as an undead being of immense power and eternal life in return for a piece of his immortal soul;” which actually should have read “Upon the first death of count Dracula he shall rise again with great power and eternal life.” This mistake meant that Lucifer was bound to continuously resurrection and could never actually obtain Dracula’s fully embodied soul, just the down payment given in the contract. However as time progressed Lucifer began to see the usefulness of the relationship. With still part of a soul Dracula was able to slaughter people whose souls were not yet resolved and would be forced to descend to Hell.

So with pleasure Lucifer met his “good” friend Dracula and told him that under the terms of the contract he is to be given yet another un-life. Dracula was not entirely enthralled by the idea of another un-life as it was a miserable thing to be hated and feared by everyone. However he accepted it as he was incapable of doing anything about it being bound by blood to an eternity of un-life was considerably less painful than what would a wait him; “Vlad the Impaler” if he were destined to the burning tortures of Hell. A demon such as himself was of great use on Earth to collect the un-expecting souls. So in a whirlwind of blue plasma the ashes of Dracula’s body were blown from the world over combined with particles of his four minions including the departed Lucy and merged into a younger, sturdier and more virile body for Dracula to inhabit. With a wish of good hunting Dracula’s remaining soul was surged into the new body by the great powers of Lucifer.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Dracula #1

Bram Stoker was born near Dublin on November 8, 1847 and always dreamed of becoming a writer. However he was forced into a civil service career, he later would work as a theatrical critic for Dublin's Evening Mail, editor of The Irish Echo. In 1878, actor-manager at London's Lyceum Theatre. . He wrote Duties of Clerks of Petty Sessions in Ireland published in 1879. He also wrote "The Crystal Cup" (1872), was published by The London Society, "The Chain of Destiny" a serialized four-part horror piece, "The Chain of Destiny," The Shamrock, Under the Sunset, The Snake's Pass and Dracula. Dracula was an example of new literature for a new world it its said that the novel is filled with themes and ideas all relating to sex based on the biting, sucking, etc. Furthermore Dracula was one of the first lasting cjharachters one that evolved and became famous to everyone.


Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Maternity Figure

Maternity Figure is an odd sculpture. It depicts a woman of a certain tribal religious grouping holding her child. She was made with unproportionally humongous feet to allow it to stand on its own and maintain balance. You can see her religion in her neck it shows her neck rings which cannot be removed and shows her culture well. You can also see a nose ring and many different markings on her body. The artist seems to want to create a sturdy, lasting example of culture. This piece has lasted quite along time and definitely does show the culture well. furthermore the material is most likely domestic to where the person lived and probably created it though it is difficult to determine for fact without further examination.

Critique of central african arts in the 1800s

Much of the art is of humans, their faces, bodies etc. It would seem that the artists are trying to show their heritage in the markings or unique traits on the sculptures. Most of the art is done in wood though metal and beads may have been added, probably due to lack/ presence of materials. It shows how the culture is affected by resources and the use of them. The color is mainly shades of grey and brown most likely depending on the wood being used. The artist seems to add rounded edges to their art in order to create a more realistic look. I myself disliked the artwork because I disliked the medium I don't like the idea behind it im not fond of cultural repetion in artwork.