Monday, March 19, 2007


I have learned many lessons from many people. The most valuable lessons I have received from my father. He teaches many examples through a combination of ways including action opposing reaction and statement. The lesson I will speak on is the lesson on life. The lesson is how I have been told to live my life, “Do what you like to do.”

First of all from alternative locations I have obtained lessons which are prerequisite to this one. First of all I learned that money eases wants and needs. Then I learned that time is short and that death cannot be undone. Third I learned that thievery is illegal and inappropriate. Fourth I learned that science and math are valuable everywhere as opposed to literature and history.

Now I was ready for this very important lesson and to make it my own. Since I was very young I was told that I could be whatever I wanted to be and that I should be what I want from both my parents. My father was a sheet metal worker, and though he was very talented and skilled he always seemed relatively unhappy with work though very pleasant at home. This was not so much because he hated his work rather he disliked what he was doing in the field. He was skilled and instead of being put to good use he was working in industries where his talents couldn’t reach their full potential.

He worked hard all the time and was well able to do the work of several people and often had to due to the incompetence of others. He was a jack of all trades in addition to his specialty and would often have to make up for the mistakes of others. Whether the mistakes are on the ground in the production of an item or in the engineering sector with faulty numbers and incorrect measurements he would fix or at the minimum point out the errors. He was just not being appreciated for his work though and he seemed to loath it. He wouldn’t admit it but it was easy to tell, he wanted to work on more unique things more exciting things like antique vehicle restoration or specialty items.

He displayed vividly to me; a lucid person of continuous observation that when he said “Do what you like to do” he meant it. However if someone were to say his actions spoke louder than words they would be false. His words were always strong and his actions just supplemented the words. The lesson he showed “Do what you like to do” he stressed a lot as well as hefty support for what I wanted to do which increased my belief in the lesson even more. However as luck would occur he also provided me with the opportunity to find my “love” of a field of work.

When I was very young my father got us a computer that I used for a long time and when I was about 5 my father bought a top of the line computer. The computer is what I grew to love and luckily with my other lessons down and I found it to be the greatest possible field; that which deals with computers. I grew to be smart, talented and quick I could solve problems faster than most and outgrew “Tech Support” at a rapid pace when I started solving problems faster than them and if I couldn’t they couldn’t either. I found it was an area where money can be made and I found that money despite other lessons people have tried to teach “money doesn’t bring happiness” to be false. So I have altered my life plan to increase my maximum output and bring what I truly want as close as possible. I wish to retire and in order to do so I need money which I will need a lot of with inflation and living costs so I plan to am most of life’s toil and misery into a short period of time and afterwards live happily “Do what you like to do.”


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