Sunday, December 31, 2006

Lemminkâinen - god

Lemminkâinen – he is the Finnish god of trickery. He was a brave warrior who was always looking for a wife and at one point married Kyllikki whom disliked marriage. He was killed by being chopped into pieces and tossed in the River of the Dead. His mother however puts him back together with the help of Suonetar.

Ilmatar -goddess

Ilmatar – "Luonnotar" she is the Finnish goddess of air and creator of the world. She was impregnated by the east wind with Väinämöinen. It is said a bird that landed on her and laid several eggs. When she moved a little the eggs rolled off and that the earth and heavens were formed. After she molded the lands with finishing touches Väinämöinen finally came out after 7 centuries of waiting.

Raiden - god

Raiden – Japanese god of lightning Raiden is said to love people or at least their navels, as meals. He owns a thunder beast called Raiju which he sends to earth in the form of a fireball and may go to sleep in one’s belly button if they sleep outside in a thunderstorm. If so Raiden has to wake him with a fire rrow which would be quite unpleasant to wake up to.

Izanami - goddess

Izanami - "the female who invites" is the Japanese goddess of Earth and darkness. During her life she begat most of the continents including the island of Japan with her husband and brother Izanagi. When Izanami died giving birth to Kagutsuchi she went to the underworld where she now rules. Izanagi tried to bring her back but she refused, vowing to kill 1000 of his subjects a day.

Manannan Mac Lir - God

Manannan Mac Lir - "O'Donnell's Kern," celtic god of the sea he was able to forecast the weather. He is capable of taking the form of a heron as well as sneaking around in an invisible cloak. Son of Lir husband of Fand and father of Áine, Aoife, and Grian, Rí of Amhain Abhlach, of the Tuatha Dé Danannn. He liked to dabble in human affairs.

Áine- Goddess

Áine – “The Fairy Queen of Munster,” goddess of love fertility and cattle. She had control over animals and crops which caused her to be the goddess of fertility and she encouraged love but was against its forceful nature. Daughter of Manannan Mac Lir the sea god and was said to have been against rape due to being raped by a king whom she consequently killed.

Artemis - goddess

Artemis – one of the 12 Olympian gods; she was the daughter of Zeus and Leto. She is the goddess of the moon, hunting, and childbirth. She remained unmarried in life. She was at peace with nature and despite her hunting she was in fact a lover of all animals except men which she despised all of except Hippolytus.

Ares - God

Ares – one of the 12 Olympian gods; Ares is the Greek god of war. Ares was born to Zeus and Hera and is the most hated of all the gods even disliked by his parents. He loved three things above all else war, violence and Aphrodite. It was said that in battle he didn’t even care what side he was on as long as it was going to be bloody.

Hanuman - God

Hanuman – Chief and general of the monkey people. Son of wind god Vayu and monkey mother Vanar. He was said to be “vast as a mountan and as tall as a gigantic tower.” He assists Rama in winning back Sita (Rama’s wife) and in a war against the demon king Ravana. For helping Rama he wins perpetual life and youth.

Aditi - Goddess

Aditi – “The Infinite,” “Mother of the World” was a sky goddess and the mother of the gods in Hinduism. It is said that she had 12 (Adityas) descendants corresponding to the months of the year. She is also Vishnu’s female counter part and is said to nourish the earth, support the sky and sustain all existence.

Huitzilopochtli - god

The Aztec god of sun and war Huitzilopochtli - "Blue Hummingbird on the Left" was the son of Coatlicue and after birth (being born fully grown) he killed his sister Coyolxauhqui in revenge of his mother’s death. Later he joined with a fire serpent and went on a vicious rampage to kill his brothers the stars after hearing rumors about his family.

Coatlicue - goddess

The Aztec earth goddess Coatlicue – Also known as “Snake Skirt” was the mother of the Aztec gods Quetzalcoatl, Xolotl and Coyolxauhqui as well as several hundred less significant ones. She was said to have been impregnated by a ball of down from heaven; she was killed by Coyolxauhqui her daughter but at the same time Huitzilopochtli was born.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Definition of Mythology

Mythology – A combination of literary works, stories and fables believed to be based on real events but are actually fictional. Mythology also includes the study of the myths. Mythology is usually remnants of old religions though in certain situations can be used to describe current religious stories as well as completely fictional works.